Raptor Visitor Management System
Published on May 6, 2019 16:13

Hello everyone,

I am excited to share that the Middle School will be implementing the Raptor Visitor Management System beginning on May 20.  As you know, I have been working with the district, faculty and parents within our community in an effort to continuously improve the safety and security of our building and students.  While I am very proud of the steps we have taken together, I can also say with confidence that this new system will allow us to take significant strides in our ability to safely and efficiently manage all visitors to the building.  I have firsthand experience signing into District Office using the Raptor system and in the moments it takes to scan my license and print me a sticker with my name and photo, I am given a sense of both community and safety as I enter the building.  Please remember to have your state issued identification with you when your visit the school. Stay tuned for more details and thank you for taking this journey with me!

Thank you,