Update from Cosgrove 5/7
Published on May 7, 2019 20:03

Hi Everyone,

I hope this message finds you well. It is hard to believe that May is here and we are approaching the final 6 weeks of the school year. We are working hard to help students keep focused during the home stretch of the year. We appreciate all of your support at home as well. One item that we could use your help with is in regards to our dress code. Please remind your child that clothing must be school appropriate and meet the dress code. Students who do not meet this expectation will need to change their clothes before going to class. Thank you for all of your help with this. 

We have one remaining state test for this school year. 8th grade students, who are not enrolled in earth science, will take the science 8 written exam on June 3. If you have already opted your child out of either the ELA or math exam (or both), they are all set and will not take the Science 8 exam. 

The library staff has asked that I share the following dates:
Friday 5/31 - last day to check out books.
Monday 6/3 - All books are due back.

On a final note, this week is staff and faculty appreciation week at Cosgrove. I am thankful to work with so many amazing educators each day. Thank you for all of your support and please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Take care,